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  • In 2018 we opened our “Act for transformation - Caucasus office” in Tbilisi with guests from civil society organizations, Georgian representatives, and German organizations. We founded this non-profit association together with former Georgian volunteers and trainers in the line of Georgian law.

    We work in the South Caucasus area (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia) and offer volunteer services to Weltwaerts program, sending German volunteers and inviting youths to make volunteer work in Germany. We offer seminars on global learning and peace education and organize youth exchange projects, and summer camps, and carry out peace projects.

    We have office space and a Global Peace Room together with CPCD (Centre for Peace and C. Development) in Tbilisi, Kostava Turn II (Lapiashvili Street) Building No. 3, Flat No. 4, 3rd floor.

    You can follow our activity via our Facebook Page

  • Ukraine Aid

    The war in Ukraine turned many people into refugees who also arrived in Georgia. We set up various groups for women / parents and children / young people and the opportunity to acquire the first language skills. We can support them with some money for extra medical support or translation for papers they need.


    For conscientious objectors of the Ukraine war we can support them with advice and on the way to asylum or emigration to Europe. We offer an advanced training for counselor for conscientious objectors in South Caucasus in 4 modules (online) and a weekend seminar in Georgia.

    More infos you find here:

    We need your support for our work in Georgia and you can easily use this online link for it:




  • Global Peace Room

    In 2021 we started together with our partner Association Atinati the initiative Global Peace Room. The Global Peace Rooms support peace education, intercultural exchange, and global learning in the South Caucasus Region.

    Act for transformation – Caucasus Office opened one Global Peace Room in Tbilisi. Our partner NGO Association Atinati opened in Zugdidi a second Global Peace Room.

    The idea of the Global Peace Room:

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    The Global Peace Room is a safe space where people from different countries, regions, and social and cultural backgrounds come together, get to know each other, share their perspectives and thus develop mutual understanding and a more peaceful living together.

    Children, youth, youth workers, and teachers can learn and share ideas about topics connected to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by the United Nations, for instance, peaceful living together, non-violence conflict resolution, peace activism, and human rights, gender equality, and environment protection.

    Activities in the Global Peace Room:

      • Local trainers and multipliers as well as international trainers offer workshops for school students, youth clubs, and teachers about regional relevant topics connected to the SDGs

      • Further training for youth activists, social workers, youth workers, and teachers

      • Intercultural (online) projects in cooperation with NGOs from different countries

      • Fairtogether Workshops

  • Volunteer Program

    You can come to Germany and work with us in Um-Welthaus Aalen as a incoming volunteer. All needed information you can find here

    Regularly we give information about possibilities of volunteer work in Germany with online presentations (check our Facebook Page) or offer informational events at schools, youth clubs, and institutions with our volunteers from Germany and Austria.

    When you want to work with us in Um-Welthaus, here you find the description of the project partners. 

    If you are willing to participate in this project you have to send your CV and motivation letter to: caucasus@act4transformation.net 

  • „Fairtogether in Georgia: მშვიდობიანი თანამშრომლობისთვის


    In 2021 Act for transformation together with the partners Association Atinati and act for transformation – Caucasus Office implements the project "Fairtogether in Georgia: მშვიდობიანი  თანამშრომლობისთვის” in Zugdidi municipality.

    The project is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office in the framework of the program "Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia" and co – financed by Quäker-Hilfe e.V.

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    Our goals
    Our joint goal is to contribute to violence prevention and peace education in schools and youth clubs in Zugdidi municipality as well as to promote dialogue between different countries and regions. Together with our active partners, we promote peace education as a topic for formal and non-formal education in Georgia.

    Our understanding of peace education:
    Peace education aims to strengthen civil conflict management and equip young people with competencies to solve problems. In concrete, peace education means first informing about methods of non-violent conflict resolution, civil society engagement, preventing violence, strengthening human rights, promoting justice, mediation, and reconciliation work.

    Activities of the project:
    In the training of trainers, 17 youth workers and youth activists are trained as “Fairtogether trainers” by an international trainer team from Ukraine, Germany, and Georgia. The new trainers offer Workshops in partner schools in Zugdidi municipality and a Fairtogether Summer Camp for youth. Together with Radio Atinati youth create 6 radio programs, which are broadcasted in Samegrelo and Abkhazia region. In a joint online conference Trainers, NGOs from Germany, Georgia, and Ukraine, and representatives of the educational ministries share experiences about concepts of peace education and “peace schools”.

    For further information about the project, please contact:
    Caucasus Office
    Association Atinati

  • Seminars


    We offer seminars for schools, youth clubs, NGOs, and pedagogies, who are interested in subjects of global development goals and peacebuilding.

    Here you can find two examples of training of trainers:

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    1). Further training „Fairhandel: Multiplying topics of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in online workshops".
    Are you interested in United Nations SDG topics, for example, peace, sustainability, and gender equality? Do you want to learn different interactive tools for online Workshop facilitation? Are you working with youth, teachers, or involved in youth work?

    Act for transformation in cooperation with different NGOs offers (online/partly online) further training for global learning and peace education topics for intercultural diverse groups from Germany and Georgia. The further training duration is 3 months (2 meetings per month) and includes a theoretical part and a practical part for the participants.

    2). “Fairtogether“Workshops
    Would you like to contribute to a better social interaction in your class, school, or youth group?

    In Fairtogether workshops, youth develop social skills, skills in cooperative behavior, non-violent conflict resolution, and responsible citizenship. The workshops are based on the experiences of the participants and include interactive exercises, discussions, role-plays, and reflections. “Fairtogether” Workshops are based on the exercises of the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) (https://avp.international/).

    The Workshops are 2 full-day workshops (6 hours per day) / 4 half-day Workshops (3 hours per day) and conducted by professional trainers. Our trainer teams are located in Zugdidi and Tbilisi.

    You are interested in organizing “Fairtogether” Workshop for your school, youth club, or youth group? You are interested in becoming “Fairtogether” trainer?

    Then contact our Caucasus office by email: caucasus@act4transformation.net

  • Bertha von Suttner Peace House

    The Idea

    The vision of a Bertha von Suttner Peace House in Tbilisi is intended to contribute to a pluralistic and tolerant Georgia in which all people and civil society groups are welcome and committed to non-violent change.

    In the house where Bertha von Suttner lived, according to her conviction and her European vision of peace, the idea of peace, non-violence, and women's justice should be carried further.

    Find more information here.